Safe Place—Just A Call Away | Youth Spotlight

Not all heroes wear capes. In Kai’s case, they call for help.

Kai traveled to Omaha expecting to stay with his father, only to find out last minute that plans had changed. Instead of a home, Kai was left to fend for himself.

When his father suggested dropping him at a shelter, Kai opted for the library instead.

A librarian overheard Kai as he relayed all this to another teen and, concerned for his well-being, called Safe Place and Youth Emergency Services (YES). Safe Place is a national youth outreach and prevention program for youth under 18 (and up to 21 in some communities) in need of immediate help and safety. As a Safe Place representative for the Omaha metro, YES connects youth with professional help or, in Kai’s case, a place to stay until their situation is resolved. YES staff soon arrived and offered Kai a safe place to stay.

After picking up Kai from the library, members from YES’ team brought Kai to our Street Outreach Center to get a meal, a shower, and other home supplies. After finally arriving at YES’ Emergency Shelter, Kai was gifted more meals and showers—and his own bed, his own room, his own space.

YES’ Emergency Shelter offers a family-style residence with separate bedrooms for all residents, in addition to connecting youth with the support and resources they need. Plus, YES pairs shelter residents with a case manager during their stay with us to help navigate personal challenges and set and achieve goals.

Longing for a place to rest, eat, and find refuge, Kai is grateful for the support he’s received at YES’ Shelter.

“[ES] is perfect,” he says. “I get food, a roof over my head, and a supportive team to help me out.”


This is a Sign… | Safe Place Program


From Kalisha’s Desk—March Edition